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In the above video i am using an external file outside of the AppImage containg all files needed to "patch by symlink" Yad Gui. Same AppImage setup works on both Debian pure and Ubuntu bookworm 12. Should also work properly on the newer Trixie version as well. This yad portable is not a true portable as it does place symlinks on the host system buty, all of them can be removed with one click. I am runing a yad bash script "Parent shell script" from within the AppImage build.. Then I execute a child gnome-terminal process that has full access to the host file system; so ANY THING IS POSSIBLE. The external file could also be downloaded from a website. It is also possible to modify setup parameters from the AppImage shell script where user could make changes and there mods ccould be saved to a conf file under /tmp/yad providing custom realtime modification.
This website is in NO way associated with AppImage website or its developers. The AppImageSHell Website is an information website about AppIamge functionality that is not recommend by the AppImage Developers.
This process is only 2 weeks old (February 2025) and needs lots of testing and automation.
Another method I will be creating will be called "BinImage" https://BinImage.com This method will use the same files as used with the AppImage setup buty, will use the "MakeSelf" utility to provide very similar options as AppImage does concerning compression; archiving; self-extracting and self-executing.